I recently added the Huffington Post blog to my RSS reader and man is this thing a chore to read. It's layered so thick with unsupported hyperbole and oneupmanship it's almost embarrassing to agree with some of these people in principal. Maybe I'm spoiled by Slate and many of the other smart blogs I frequent, but the babble I keep reading at that place is simply not very good for a site of it's supposed stature. I don't think we need any more fringe columnists stating their case as to why George W. Bush should be hanged in Darfur for his crimes against Pandas. Or whatever. Maybe I've just gotten a bit more reasonable in my older age, but Bush bashing seems to have completely lost focus lately. Lets get it together!
Anyway, Dave Hill, who was last seen making me laugh at the Brooklyn Vegan Pianos CMJ show, had a really funny and irreverent post today about an elephant in India named Osama Bin Laden in which he makes up words like elephantriffic and made me genuinely laugh out loud. HP needs more posts like this, please.
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