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April 03, 2007



you probably have a lot of mp3 files attached to old emails. you can search for those emails and delete them. that will create some space


Unfortunately you cannot sort your gmail by email size - something standard in yahoo mail. You can sort them about by attachment, however, but some of those attachments might be as small as 1 KB, so that doesn't help all that much.


You can archive all of the old messages and that will clear it up... I think. That is the lengthy process I have been going through for weeks now.


ok, I take that back. It doesn't clear up space. Shit! I'm in a lot better shape than you though with 67%.


holy crap, i just looked at mine and i'm at 75%?!?!??! oh man....


1. Create a new Gmail account.
2. Go into your google forwarding settings and forward all mail to your new gmail account. Do not keep a copy on the server.
3. Go into your new Gmail account and specify your old email address as a reply-to address.

It's not the greatest solution, what can I say. Alternatively, you could download all your gmail onto your computer using the POP settings. Kind of defeats the purpose of Gmail though. They are bound to increase storage soon though, given that Yahoo just threw down the gauntlet with unlimited storage.

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It's not the greatest solution, what can I say. Alternatively, you could download all your gmail onto your computer using the POP settings. Kind of defeats the purpose of Gmail though. They are bound to increase storage soon though, given that Yahoo just threw down the gauntlet with unlimited storage

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