Friday, April 27, 7:53 - I should really finish these Gothamist posts a bit more ahead of time...
9:12 - Done! Time to go in the pool.
2:40 - decided to walk from the house over to the festival. Wouldn't call it a bad idea yet, but it is goddamn hot. I keep saying its not that far, but it is. Actually...there's a turn up ahead. Looks like I'm almost there, however. All in all it'll be about a 30 minute walk. Good to know for tomorrow. No shade on this final stretch tho. Next time, note that la quinta polo estates would be a good place to stay.
3:14 - teen puke count: 1. Not even inside yet! For some reason only half the front gate is open. Taking a long time to get in. Should be in time for tokyo police club still.
4:03 - picked comedy over tpc. Good call. This is perfect. Patton oswalt is my favorite.
5:17 - not sure what's more surreal...walking around with aziz and him getting stopped every 5 steps for a photo or an autograph, or watching silversun pickups play in front of like 30,000 people on the main stage. Missed azizs set and I'm sure it was great, but I am happy to say sspu is absolutely killing it up there.
PS...the internet is really spotty out here, so these updates won't come in realtime too often. Sorry
5:33 - just a tip boys...never lay a finger on a chick with revolvers tattooed onto her hips. Just seems like bad news.
5:53 - how great is that part in lazy eye where it gets all fuzzy and noisy at the end they just come back together one more time to pound it home? I think it was that movement at the fader house during cmj 2005 that sold me on these guys as more than just an indie one hit wonder with kissing families. Anyone who says they aren't solid live is really just plain wrong.
6:21 - seriously, wtf is circa survive doing here? I've never seen a tent so empty this late in the day. I even like this shit and I think they're awful. Meanwhile amy winehouse is overflowing the smaller tent. Poor choice as the random screemo band of the year.
7:52 - 12 minutes into the jesus and mary chain to admit I couldn't care less about these guys except for that one song from lost in translation. Sorry, I know I'm worthless.
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