12:59 - Shit Shit Shit...running late. Thunderbirds are Now! @ 1. GG.
2:26 - TaN! Are great. Even a sleepy, early set from them is better than 98% of what you'll see here this week. Ran over the cloud cult at fader now (which, I forgot to mention earlier, has the look feel and smell of a semilegit brothel a few miles out of Reno. Or something along those lines. Well played, Fader.) No idea where to go from here. Maybe back to Hot Freaks for De Novo Dahl, maybe stay here for Jamie t? I've been temporally separated from my schedule and I don't know what's happening where. Pitchfork is jammed, forgot to get a Spin pass. Staying @ Fader seems like a good bet for now. Maybe ill buy a new pair of jeans.
3:10 - Jamie T isn't Streetsish rap at all! Really fun post Libertines brit rock. I like. Pipette watch: they're here. Still never seen the brunette smile. She's my favorite, nonetheless.
3:19 - Shit, she's here with a dude. Looks like a Fraterelli.
4:36 - Went over to check out the Filter spot quick (they have a killer lineup tomorrow) then meant to go see Shout Out Out Out Out, but collapsed from hunger in front of a Jimmy Johns and crawled inside to get a quick bite. Back at Fader now for the suddenly hairy and catchy youth group. I've always been bored by them, but they added a little spring to their sound since that first album. Not bad.
5:40 - Bought a pair of chords! Winehouse next.
5:58 - Wow, she's tiny.
6:22 - Winehouse rules. Really great, tho too short performance. She's quite adorable. Frightening, but adorable. Don't really know her whole backstory, but the cuts up and down her arm were pretty scary. After hearing about the cancellations, it was nice to see her sing.
Datarock is next, then a little dinner/downtime. Excited for both.
11:33 - well, that iheartcomix party was amazing until it got shut down by the fuzz. Wooboy. They had these monster energy cocktails, and the crowd around the bar was so huge we had to get 2 giant paper cups each to avoid having to go back. But the party got shut by the fire dept. For whatever reason, and now we're hightailing it to diesel to try and salvage some bit of the night before the rest of the crowd catches up. Photo Atlas at 2am at purevolume too, but that's a ways away.
12:16 - Some dickhead at the diesel party is wearing a pinjata on his head and violently flailing his arms, punching girls and stuff. Girltalk's about to go on, tho now I hear the iheart party is back up and running now. Dunno? Figuring out the deets now.
12:48 - Something's off with this girltalk set. Can't put my finger on it, but the whole thing just feels a bit forced. Like the people losing their shit onstage are there because they feel its the right thing to do, not because they are actually losing their shit. Can't ask for more out of a party tho. Great lineup, free booze, lots of friends here. Ill blame this lackluster set more on my sudden lack of energy rather than some outside force. His mixes do seem fun.
Someone just said there is a bowling ally in the back of the bar somewhere.
1:03 - There really is a bowling alley here, which suddenly makes this the second most random/awesome party of the week. Here's hoping my wii skillz translate to real life. Of course, Matt and Kim are here, just chilling.
3:04 - It's extremely humbling to discover that despite having a high score of 236 in Wii Sports bowling and the coveted "pro" status, I couldn't knock down a fucking pin on my first 5 throws. Nobody was keeping score, of anything, but I was still bummed I didn't instantly become a semidscent roller.
Anyway, that party turned out to be awesome and completely unexpected. Was all ready to head home and call it a night well done, but we got a tip that there was a latenight MSTRCRFT set at a club sort of near the hotel. Nothing I thought could I be in the mood for less, but whatdya know, it was really sweet. We were there for just the right amount of time. Any longer and I would have started to get sick of it, but when that kind of stuff is done right, I can really get into it.
Okay, bedtime.