3/14. 9:20 - Good Morning! Up waaay too early. I don't think the PV redubll has completely left my system yet. Gonna head over to The Gothamist/Austinist thang early with Jen before going back to check in to Hotel #2. I gotta get some sort of map and schedule together. Today should be pretty simple, but I need to make sure The Salt Lick BBQ/Dirty on Purpose-Menomena party is somewhat near the Gothamist spot. Stuff like that.
12:03 - went over to the Gothamist/Austinist place for a bit to watch people set up. Oddly, they're doing BBQ first, then breakfast burritos after 2. Ran into Chris and Garrison briefly before heading to hotel #2. Comfort suites. Total worst! Trip adviser reviews called for this place to be condemned. Seriously. Haven't been inside yet, but they won't lock up our bags before the 3pm checkin. So were stuck carrying around our shit all day. Heading back to austinist now.
1:15 - At the convention center...Beirut spotted! Breaking! He looks alive and well and not exhausted at all.
2:25 - watched a but of a very nice set by Teitur. Kind of had a nice Jeff Buckley thing going on the last song I saw. I liked him. Headlights is on now. Sound pretty average.
4:53 - Menomena amazingly kick off with the 3 songs I love right off the bat and they sound great. I love 3 piece bands, drummers who sit off to the side and mutinstrumentalists. These guys are killing it. Even for a song I don't love on the record. The salt lick isn't free, but they're handing out gift bags with Biore face scrub. Which is perfect because I left mine at home.
7:27 - Comfort Suites might be way out of the way and have a flock of giant zombie highway birds perched outside our window, but the room is nice. there's a couch and a kitchenette microwave and everything. It's tough to get to tho. The cab situation this year seems a lot worse than before. 45 minute wait minimum to get a car and the traffic is redic. Tomorrow this will be moot because we're moving to a more centrally located hotel, but getting back to this place has been rough.
Anyway, Dinner with the Band launch party is next with Matt and Kim. If we can get there in time.
9:45 - Ok, Reverb Records has been spamming the shit out of mine and a handful of non-bcc'd bloggers emails this evening. 88 emails, sending the same mp3 or something. Gjeezus. Anyway. Matt and kim at dinner with the band was great. The hors dourves sam made up were amazing...raw tuna something and this peanut/satay pulled pork dish. Both on crackers. Loved it but needed something more substantial, so went to a brasserie across the street for a steak frites. Yum. Some time to kill, then iheartcomix kickoff party.
Five Finger ShoesAlthough Joan is a martial art scrap wood, basic skills training for two years has only just started, but the basic principles he always understand. Internal strength, high strength, internal forces of academic distinction, which is stored in the body of a capability, excel at is their own. But Phelan 5 Fingers Shoesmagic world, you is not always the case. Joan Although no dreams to become a wizard, but imperial ghost town is magic resistant Se Ruier the survival Vibram Shoesof civilization, even ordinary civilians, are also proficient in the knowledge-based magic. Besides his home materials store is opening spell, both coming and going of Vibram Five Fingerthe shaman, prolonged exposure under the magic of this world, knowledge has been quite understand. In this world, caster caster, the basic must rely on something called the "magic web" thing. For example, the wizard to complete a magic, then he passed a certain position, spells and magic materials as excitation means for himself from everyVibram Five Fingers Shoes
Posted by: Five Finger Shoes | April 01, 2011 at 09:28 PM