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March 14, 2007


Five Finger Shoes

Five Finger ShoesAlthough Joan is a martial art scrap wood, basic skills training for two years has only just started, but the basic principles he always understand. Internal strength, high strength, internal forces of academic distinction, which is stored in the body of a capability, excel at is their own. But Phelan 5 Fingers Shoesmagic world, you is not always the case. Joan Although no dreams to become a wizard, but imperial ghost town is magic resistant Se Ruier the survival Vibram Shoesof civilization, even ordinary civilians, are also proficient in the knowledge-based magic. Besides his home materials store is opening spell, both coming and going of Vibram Five Fingerthe shaman, prolonged exposure under the magic of this world, knowledge has been quite understand. In this world, caster caster, the basic must rely on something called the "magic web" thing. For example, the wizard to complete a magic, then he passed a certain position, spells and magic materials as excitation means for himself from everyVibram Five Fingers Shoes

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