I just mentioned to a friend of mine that I hadn't been to a lot of shows recently. That's actually not true. It's sort of the complete opposite of the truth. I saw Pretty Girls Make Graves and the Grandaddy guy at the Pool yesterday and Beirut and Jens at Bowery Friday. But I didn't take a lot of pictures, so I can't be sure either actually happened. Just kidding. Pictures are lame.
Beirut was pretty good. Had the full band together, tho I think I was more impressed standing in the back of Mercury Lounge watching them for the first time when they opened for Frog Eyes/Sunset Rubdown. Back then I had (famously? famously!)dismissed them as this hype thing I had missed out on, but realized after that they were actually pretty good. At this point, I have already started to grow a bit tired of the album, so hearing the songs (and not the songs in particular, but the the whole sound and idea.) was nice, but no longer groundbreaking. However, if you've never seen them, or are just starting to listen, I'm sure they've never sounded better.
Jens I didn't LOVE as much as I expected to either, but I still thought he was very very good. It just didn't reach that magic level I always hope these quiet lyrical songwriters can achieve. Colin Meloy at the Fez is the gold standard, and this never approached that level. The encore was superb, with the horns coming from the balcony and a completely acoustic (no mic) song to close it out. I just can never get comfortable at Bowery for these quiet shows. I'm a squirmy guy...I have a hard time sitting still for an hour straight. But to stand in one place...no way. I find myself walking around a lot, going to the balcony, up front, off to the side, all the way in the back. I just can't get comfortable. Felt the same way about Sufjan when he played there...love the music, love what he does with the live show, but standing completely still at Bowery just doesn't work for me.
While I was there for PGMG and Jason Lytle, I didn't spend too much time watching the bands. Instead, it was a big dodgeball day. Got to play a bit in the morning. Even won a match early on. Later in the day, the crowds grew and it got more intense. As what always seems to happen, one team totally dominated all challengers. It's good for the sport when that happens. Like how MLB ratings go up when the Yankees are dominating. People love to root for the underdog, and when everyone's an underdog, there's just more rooting to go around.
Anyway, my throwing shoulder is kinda sore today from all the action. Next week I'll be in Chicago, but the week after I should be back in pro form.
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