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January 06, 2006


Mr k

Not quite sure how I got here, but if you haven't already discovered, all the available ¡F,R! tracks are in a sticky thread on the band forum. Their very recent BBC session is also on the following mp3 blog - http://www.redpenguin.net/blog/

Say hello on the forum if you can, I'm sure they'll appreciate the support!


god stuff!


tracks eleven and six are where it's at!

bill p

¡Forward Russia! play Mercury Lounge on March 23. (and Battle play on the 10th! Guillemots on the 13th!)

Onitsuka Tiger

owe it to myself (and you, the reader, I suppose) to put their best songs

Ugg Outlet

The discussion an on going discussion and analysis of the moral the fact that this is so ought to be an embarrassment to white liberals who are die. Thanks for sharing informative post. beautiful !!!

beats studio

Wise man have their mouths in their hearts, fools have their hearts in their mouths.

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